About Christelle



I’m Christelle,

your Self-Leadership Awakener Coach / Facilitator,

and the founder of Pistachio-Cassis Coaching.




In a few words, I see myself as anEclectic, Non-Conforming, Introverthuman being…

Eclectic, because I’ve always wanted to have multiple experiences – leading me to a 20+- year international career in the construction and corporate world, working in different countries, languages, positions, types of projects… and then to setting up my own life coaching practice, Pistachio-Cassis Coaching:

“Empowering hard-working, busy professional women+ in mid-level management

who “just want a better life / career”, but feel stuck and unable to move forward,

to start taking action toward that goal / dream.”

Non-Conforming, because I didn’t consider the lack of role models (for the lifestyle I wanted) in my social environment as a reason for not trying – but it doesn’t mean I didn’t have plenty of confidence issues along the way!

Introvert, because I definitively enjoy spending time with myself, and prefer one-on-one conversations to large group’s set-ups in hyper-active and loud environments…– which means I had to adapt my behaviors so that being an introvert would not be an obstacle.


Adapting to the world of hard-working busy professionals

Deciding to go in a different direction to the one I followed for 20+ years is absolutely not a reason to “forget” what it was like to be a hard-working professional in the construction and corporate world, especially as a woman in a male-dominated industry:

  • Trying to "balance" professional and personal life responsibilities;
  • Aiming to be a high-achiever and high performer, and to show high potential;
  • Worrying about the many changes rapidly occurring in the world, and in the workplace;
  • Too often feeling tired, depleted, stressed, burned out, overwhelmed, and even sometimes depressed;
  • And really, really, not feeling like having the energy, the time, and the willingness to invest into another development program…

So, I decided that my business mission would be:

“To be the catalyst to empower professional women+ who “just want a better life / career”, but feel stuck and unable to move forward, to start taking action toward realizing their dream. Through my professional and personal development approach, centered on each individual, to empower them to design their own actions and then to start taking action, in their own terms and one step at a time, toward their goals, in alignment with the success, fulfillment and satisfaction they want to experience throughout their life.”

That’s how I came up with my Coffee-break Coaching (1:1) and my Coaching-Infused Conversation (groups) experiences:

  • Infusing life coaching principles and techniques into facilitated conversations;
  • Adjusting programs’ “format” to suit YOUR Needs, Availability, and Readiness to Invest in YOU;
  • Building a bridge between the “real life” of busy professionals and the “coaching” worlds;
  • Ignites sparks of self-reflection, leading to firing up the momentum for self-leadership.


And that’s how, as a Self-Leadership Awakener, I’m this partner who supports you in your professional / personal development, navigating alongside you so that you’re not alone on this discovery journey, while still letting you be the captain who decides the where, the when, the how

Note: If you’re curious about these Coffee-break Coaching (1:1) and Coaching-Infused Conversation (groups) experiences, check out my article “Instant Coaching-infused Conversations – an “Out of the box” Approach to Coaching for Busy Professionals!”.

Interested? Curious? Then speak to me:

Schedule a call with me (free)



Why choose me as your coach?

You may look at my “specialization”, my training, and my experience…

But, more importantly, you want to ensure that you’ll be “comfortable” speaking to me, often opening up your mind and your thoughts in a way you never did before… like feeling that:

  • I can relate to your situation thanks to my own journey;
  • I can understand your goals – especially if your goals are slightly “unconventional”!
  • I have similar values to you;
  • You can be “YOU” in our conversations, because you see that I did my best to stay “ME” in my journey…

So, what do you see in my profile, my speaking, and my writing that attracts you to working with me?

And the best way to “check” this is by speaking to me:  

Schedule a call with me (free)


Check out what others have experienced during their time with me:


Jane H.
British Columbia, Canada
I really enjoy my coaching sessions with Christelle. Christelle and I come from a similar background (women in STEM), and I always appreciate her tact of asking the powerful questions at the right time that allow me to go beyond the surface and explore something deeper. I have many "AHA" moments when coached by Christelle and from those, am able to come up with my own creative solutions. Thank you Christelle for this partnership!

Thomas L.
Ontario, Canada
Christelle is an excellent coach who is genuinely curious about her client's personal growth journey. I've had the pleasure of receiving a few coaching sessions from her and found her to be very open-minded, curious and easy to connect with. I particularly appreciate her ability to accompany me respectfully, remain extremely attentive to how I respond, and ask thought-provoking questions. She takes great interest in getting to know who I am and how I see things with great fascination and non-judgement. I've learned a lot about myself from working with her. I highly recommend Christelle's coaching to anyone interested in personal leadership and development.

Anindita M
The first minute I spoke to Christelle, I had to comment on the joy her voice emitted and got curious to know where that came from. It was contagious. As I continued engaging with her, I learnt about the wonderful journey of struggle and success that she went through, and is now ready to create that same story of success and joy in others' lives through her work. I definitely cherish our coaching interactions and I am sure you would too!

>>>> See more testimonials here


Sharing and giving back

While the best way to get the best Return On Investment (ROI) from a “Partner-based” Development experience is through one-on-one (1:1) coaching sessions, not everyone is ready or able to commit and invest:

  • Time (preparing for, and attending the sessions; taking action between sessions; etc.)
  • Energy (saying NO to fun and relaxing times; etc.)
  • Money

Therefore, I’m sharing my thoughts, knowledge and experiences through:

Speaking: Check-out the Events page

Writing: Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter / Pistachio-Cassis Resources / Medium / Brainz Executive Contributor


Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter

“Empower Yourself… START Taking Action!” – with your weekly Coffee-break Coaching


No spam. Only relevant offers.




  • May 2024 – Present: Self-leadership Awakener Coach, WSTEM TO and Flow Coaching Institute - Coaching young women in STEM in developing goals and strategies to enhance their transition from academia to the professional world (MentorSHE program)
  • May 2024 – Present: Self-leadership Awakener Coach, Up with Women - a national charity on a mission to help recently homeless and at-risk women and gender diverse individuals build a sustainable pathway out of poverty
  • Oct. 2023 – Present: Coach, Humanitarian Coaching Network - a platform that connects humanitarian and development organizations with volunteer professional coaches, providing an innovative, cost-effective way of supporting the wellbeing and growth of these organizations’ staff.
  • Sep. 2023 - Present: Advisor, GOTARA – Advising women in STEM+ fields to empower them to achieve their career goals and close the gender gap
  • June – Sept. 2023: Executive Coach, ICF Toronto Coach Connect 2023 volunteering with March of Dimes Canada
  • Dec. 2022 – Feb. 2023: Life Coach, Flow Coaching Institute – Coaching Business and Marketing students, Turkish university (English / French)
  • Oct. 2022 – Feb. 2023: Leadership Coach, Women of Influence, Schulich School of Business (York University) and Flow Coaching Institute - Leadership coaching for Business students with the ultimate goal of supporting female leadership skills to create future female leaders
  • May - July 2022: Life Coach, WSTEM TO and Flow Coaching Institute - Coaching young women in STEM in developing goals and strategies to enhance their transition from academia to the professional world (MentorSHE program)
  • Apr. 2018 – Dec. 2019: CAWIC (Canadian Association of Women In Construction) - Board of Directors, Treasurer



  • Professional Identity Facilitator, Self Worth Academy, UK
  • ACC (Associate Certified Coach), International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • FCPC (Flow Certified Professional Coach), Flow Coaching Institute, Canada (an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program)
  • Contract and Commercial Management Practitioner, World Commerce & Contracting (online)
  • MSc Construction Law & Dispute Resolution, King’s College London, UK
  • MSc (Eng.) International Construction Management, University of Leeds, UK
  • BSc (Eng.) Building Technology and Management, University of Glamorgan, UK
  • Certificate (equivalent) in Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Universite C. Bernard, Lyon, France


Professional and networking memberships

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Lean In Canada: A community of professional women empowering each other to build purposeful and fulfilling careers.
  • Ellevate: Redefining networking: Ellevate believes that navigating a sea of faceless connections is a waste of time. That’s why Ellevate prioritizes real, authentic relationships that can make a difference in our future.


Industry recognitions

2022 Official Honoree Brainz 500 Global award - Recognition for entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others


Interested in going “deeper” right now, or simply curious? Let's talk: 

Book Consultation (free)


 Or prefer to just stay in touch for now? Then simply subscribe to the Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter below: 

Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter

“Empower Yourself… START Taking Action!” – with your weekly Coffee-break Coaching


No spam. Only relevant offers.