The Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter!

I’m writing the weekly Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter…

So you can get a “taste” of my Coffee-break Coaching experience, uniquely designed for hard-working, busy professionals

  • Who “just” want a “better life / career”
  • But need help to get clarity, unstuck and back into the driver’s seat of their life…
  • By starting to take action toward that “better life / career”

… Hoping that this Newsletter will inspire you to take a moment (like a 20-minute coffee-break) out of your busy day to reflect on:

  • The topic of the Coffee-break Coaching conversation in that Newsletter;
  • The “how would you feel” if you could deal with that issue;
  • The questions raised to help / empower you to design your OWN action; and finally
  • Being accountable to yourself!


So, do you need that little “push” of inspiration / motivation to get you started – and to keep going?

Then, subscribe here!


Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter

To inspire, support and empower YOU to take action toward that “better life/career” you dream of!


No spam. Only relevant offers.