Sep. 20, 2024: Live Coaching-Infused Conversation (free)

Live Coaching-Infused Conversation (free)

When are you in “flow” (absorbed in what you’re doing)?


  • Friday September 20, 2024, 12:10–12:40pm ET (30 minutes, via zoom)
  • Note: This is a Non-Judgmental and Confidential space

Can you remember the last time you were in “FLOW” – so absorbed in what you were doing that you didn’t see the time pass?

Whatever it is you were doing, it wasn’t so easy that you were bored, but it also wasn’t so hard that you were stressed…

… You were just in that zone whit the right mix of challenges and abilities – for you!

But these moments happen so rarely in your life…

Instead, it’s way too often boredom (too easy) or stress (too challenging)!

But what if you could better understand what brings you into “FLOW”?

And what if you could actually START taking action to be more often in this “FLOW” state?

How would you FEEL?

What would you GAIN if you could be less often bored / stressed, and more often in that “FLOW” state in your life / career?

Are you willing to dig deeper into what “FLOW” is for you…

… and start taking action toward getting more often into that “FLOW” state?

Then register for this Live Coaching-Infused Conversation* >>>>

 (*) By registering to any of these events, you agree to be added to the Pistachio-Cassis Coaching’s "subscribers" list (you can unsubscribe at any time)


Want to know more about this Live Coaching-Infused Conversation?

What is it? A 30mns conversation based on coaching principles around a pre-defined topic, with a group of people in a similar situation to yours - which means:

  • You’re not here to learn from me -> You’re here to learn from Yourself, and from the other attendees
  • Because it’s when the “learning” comes from “within us” that we’re the most likely to Take Action!

Who is it for? It’s for YOU if you feel STUCK, unable to start moving forward… or not DARING to do what you know you need to do…

What’s in it for you? This is all about YOU deciding on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take RIGHT AWAY…

How does it work? Register -> Join and Participate -> Decide on ONE action -> TAKE the action

Live Coaching-Infused Conversation

When are you in “flow”? - Sep. 20, 2024 (12:10–12:40pm ET)


No spam. Only relevant offers.



Live Coaching-Infused Conversation

When are you in “flow"? - Sep. 20, 2024 (12:10–12:40pm ET)

No spam. Only relevant offers.