Up-coming Live Coaching-Infused Conversations (free)

>>> A 30-minute conversation about a specific topic (see title), where YOU decide on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take RIGHT AWAY!

  • What’s really, really stopping you? (July 19)
  • To make that change… or not? (July 26, August 2)

=> Check out the Events page for more details!



With the mid-year point on us, many professionals are thinking about time off, travelling with the family or just relaxing away from work… but they may also start thinking about the mid-year review, reflect on the status of their 2024 goals… and wonder what learning they need before being able to take action on those goals…

Are you one of these professionals?

If so, do you know there are different learning approaches available to you based on your needs and your learning style?:

  • The expert-based approach, where information flows from an “expert” (teacher, manager, author, etc.) to you, but you’re then often left to figure out how to implement it in a way that works for you… which means that you often don’t act on it…
  • The self-based approach, where you can easily lose yourself in your own thoughts, with those thoughts going round in your head and having nowhere else to go…
  • The partner-based approach, which is all about YOU, but where you’re not left alone with your thoughts going round in circle in your head and instead are supported to develop those thoughts further / in new directions!

Of course, each of these approaches has its benefits and its downsides, depending on your needs and your learning style! – You can learn more about these approaches in this article, and about choosing one approach in this article.

So, it’s probably time to have a conversation about what learning approach you ought to look for to progress on that goal…

This week’s Coffee-break Coaching conversation

>>> A short conversation about a specific challenge that YOU’re facing, leading YOU to decide on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take right away!

This week’s topic: What learning approach do you need right now?

Think about that goal you really want to achieve this year.

And then think about the “learning” you need to be able to take action, to progress on that goal.


Now, imagine that the next 20 minutes are just about YOU (your time, your space, your voice, your thoughts…) and you’re having a deep conversation with me, your coach... Just let your mind wander as you reflect on the questions below…:

  • What’s the real reason you think you need to learn more before taking action? – Do you really need the knowledge, or is it more like an excuse to not take action right now?
  • What’s the learning about: technical skills, “soft” skills, figuring out how to do something in your own style, getting clarity on what to do next, etc.?
  • Where does the leaning really need to come from: from an expert, from yourself, from conversations with others? – Be honest with yourself… because learning from others is not always the solution to your problem!
  • What support do you need along the way – for motivation, ownership and accountability? – Again, be honest with yourself… it’s hard to do something completely on our own!!!
  • Now, how would you describe the “learning” you need before taking action on your goal?

>>>> So, what are you going to do with this description? What’s ONE action you’re COMMITTING to do THIS WEEK following this Coffee-break Coaching conversation? (even a small action like scheduling a task in your calendar!)


If you’d like additional support to take THIS action, to continue THIS conversation, or to START taking action on another goal / challenge, work with me and my Coffee-break Coaching experience:

 Schedule a call with me (free)! 


To Your Success! 


Self-Leadership Awakener – Coach, Facilitator


Christelle Soto-Suarez
Pistachio-Cassis Coaching