Hi Christelle,

Like many others, I used to make a list of goals to achieve in the next 12 months… or should I say “a list of “things” that I, somehow, wanted to achieve…” – but there was no Vision, and no Step… just a “goal”…

In the last few years, I’ve changed this new year process, adjusting it a little bit every year…

So, now, I’m thinking more in terms of

Vision, Goal, Steps

I start with thinking about my LONG-TERM Vision for the main categories of my life;

Then I decide on what it is I want to achieve THIS year – my Goals – and set some priorities;

Finally, I identify:

  • the main Steps for each Goals (including doing some research or asking for help!) AND
  • the first Steps I can take right away…

What’s the advantage? Well:

  • I know WHY I’m working on these specific Goals this year (because they for with my long-term Vision)
  • I can START right away – taking action, progressing, building up the momentum…

So, how are your 2023 Goals fitting with your long-term Vision for YOUR life (& career)?

And what Steps can you take right away, without having to do some research, register for something… or any other “reasons” that stop you from taking action?

Empowering yourself - starting with holding yourself accountable…

Following-up from last week:

  • DID YOU TAKE the step you had decided to take last week?
  • If YES, how did it feel (to take action)? If NOT, what stopped you?

And now this week:

  • What’s ONE other step you can take this week?
  • How are you going to celebrate TAKING this step (not waiting for the result)?

Interested in going “deeper”, or simply curious? Take a step forward, and… Book yourself a free 45-minute


What's new at Pistachio-Cassis Coaching?

Just letting you know - I published another article on LinkedIn: Life Coaching: To Be or Not To Be in “Flow?

“Feeling unhappy, unsatisfied, unfilled with where we are in our life?

But can we remember past experiences where we actually were happy, fulfilled, satisfied… to the point of losing track of time, of what was around us? These past experiences were “Flow” moments… and this “Flow” concept is what I’m discussing in this article. [...]”

>>>> You can read the whole article here.

Know someone who could be interested? Forward them this latest newsletter - they can then subscribe here!

Connect with me: 
I look forward to hearing from you (feedback, suggestions, etc.)!: christelle@pistachiocassis.com | LinkedIn


To Your Success! And THANK YOU for taking the time to read this newsletter!

Personal Leadership & Development Coach

P.S.(1): Interested, or simply curious? Book a free 45-minute Empower Yourself Discovery Call!

P.S.(2): Looking for a past newsletter? Click here.

Christelle Soto-Suarez
Pistachio-Cassis Coaching