Up-coming Live Coaching-Infused Conversations (free)

>>> A 30-minute conversation about a specific topic

>>> Where YOU decide on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take RIGHT AWAY!

  • Are you procrastinating and resisting working on your goal? (May 17, May 24)
  • What drives you the most: your career's destination, or your career's journey? (May 31, June 7)

=> Check out the Events page for more details!

Up-coming Event (free)

  • May 14, 2024 (12:00-1:00pm): So you think coaching is not for you? (Join us for an eye-opening conversation where we’ll clear up misunderstandings about coaching.) – with Rita Desnoyers-Garcia (Self-Compassion Coach), Isabelle Saleh (Financial Coach), Jean Trujillo (Young Adult Coach), and me (Self-Leadership Awakener Coach)

 => Register here



To be, or not to be, that is the question – Hamlet, by W. Shakespeare (circa 1600)

Who hasn’t heard this expression?

Even if you’re not into classical theater, into “old-time” writings, or into history… You’ve probably heard it!!!

One thing I like about this quote is that it can adapted to many situations… like:

To make a change, or not to make a change, that is the question…

… That so many of us ask ourselves when... it’s time to make a decision – especially a decision we don’t want to make, to be responsible for!!!

And I’ve asked myself that question so many times…

Sometimes, the answer to the question doesn’t make much visible impact on my life…

But then there are times when the answer makes a very critical impact…

And that’s when we don’t know whether to make, or not to make, the change…

But what if…  we could stop our thoughts from going round in circle within our head, with no escape route to look at it from a different perspective?

How would we feel? I know I’d feel so much better!!!

How about you? How would you feel?

This week’s Coffee-break Coaching conversation

>>> A short conversation / reflection about a specific challenge that YOU’re facing right now, with YOU leaving with ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take right away!

This week’s topic: To make a change, or not to make a change?

To make a change, or not to make a change?

Think about the “change” that you’re referring to in that question.

Think about the situation that led you to think about that “change” – make sure to have a real, ongoing situation to really be able to reflect on it…

Think about the impact of that “change” on your life…


Now, imagine that the next 20 minutes are just about YOU (your time, your space, your voice, your thoughts…) and you’re having a deep conversation with me, your coach... Just let your mind wander as you reflect on the questions below…:

  • How did you feel about the situation before even thinking of the “change”? – don’t hesitate to use metaphors, images, colors… to express those feelings to yourself!
  • How would / could the situation be after the “change”?
  • How do you feel about that new situation? – again, don’t hesitate to use metaphors, images, colors…
  • Which feeling do you prefer: the one before thinking of the “change”, or the one after you make the “change”?
  • “Conclusion”: If you prefer the feeling after the “change”: Are you willing to step into the unknown, to get out of your comfort zone - one small step at a time (which could be our next Coffee-break Coaching conversation!)?

>>>> So, what’s ONE action you’re COMMITTING to do THIS WEEK following this Coffee-break Coaching conversation? (even a small action like scheduling a task in your calendar!)


If you’d like additional support to take THIS action, to continue THIS conversation, or to START taking action on another goal / challenge, work with me and my Coffee-break Coaching experience:

 Schedule a call with me (free)!


Upcoming Events & Latest News:

  • Check out the Events page to know what’s happening and to register!
    • Are you procrastinating and resisting working on your goal? (May 17, May 24)
    • What drives you the most: your career's destination, or your career's journey? (May 31, June 7)
  • May 14, 2024 (12:00-1:00pm): So you think coaching is not for you? (Join us for an eye-opening conversation where we’ll clear up misunderstandings about coaching.) – with Rita Desnoyers-Garcia (Self-Compassion Coach), Isabelle Saleh (Financial Coach), Jean Trujillo (Young Adult Coach), and me (Self-Leadership Awakener Coach) - Register here

And remember – If you’re stuck and don’t know how / where to START to move forward, just speak to me and schedule a call with me (free)

More about Pistachio-Cassis Coaching

  • Ready to dive directly into a Coffee-break Coaching experience? Buy here!
  • Want to know more about Pistachio-Cassis Coaching services? Check the Services page


Know someone who could be interested? Forward them this latest newsletter - they can then subscribe here!

Connect with me at 
christelle@pistachiocassis.comI look forward to hearing from you!


To Your Success! 


Self-Leadership Awakener – Coach, Facilitator


Christelle Soto-Suarez
Pistachio-Cassis Coaching