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World Dream Day is on September 25, 2024…

I think I should do something special on that day… because I love dreaming… especially daydreaming!

But that also reminds me of something I heard Mel Robbins say:

Your dreams are not a destination. They are a directional signal. – Mel Robbins

And that statement really resonated with me!

Because I used to dream of a life of adventure, travelling the world… and I got to live and work in different countries and languages…

Because I dreamed of having a portfolio career (with many diverse experiences)… and I got to have different roles while in the construction industry, and I’m now doing something very different…

Because I now dream of building a community for professional women in mid-level management… without knowing how to get there…

But, having this Mel Robbins’ statement in mind helps me progress along that direction, one small action at a time… and not worry about whether my destination will be the one I dreamed, or a bit different!

How about YOU?

  • How do you FEEL about your DREAMS?
  • Are they a Destination, or more like a Direction?

Maybe it’s time to ask yourself that question?

This week’s Coffee-break Coaching conversation

>>> A short conversation about a specific challenge that YOU’re facing, leading YOU to decide on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take right away!

This week’s topic: Should your dream be a destination or a direction?

Think about a dream you’ve had for a while and that you really would like to achieve…

But it just seems so impossible, so far away… and with so many risks of things changing along the way…

That you’re not even starting to take action toward that dream…

And you keep going with your life as it now, regretting not being able to do anything about Your Dream…

But WHAT IF you could change that?

WHAT IF you could Empower yourself to start, to make some progress toward that Dream?


Now, imagine that the next 20 minutes are just about YOU (your time, your space, your voice, your thoughts…) and you’re having a deep conversation with me, your coach... Just let your mind wander as you reflect on the questions below…:

  • What’s YOUR WHY behind that dream? What is it that makes you want THIS? – Make sure it’s YOURS (and not someone else’s!)
  • How can that WHY be fulfilled? Don’t hesitate to do a “brain dump”, including “not so great” ways of fulfilling that Why (even if just partially)… Of course, one of those “how” is the vision in your dream, but other ways should come up…
  • Now, pick 3 of those “how” (in additional to your dream vision). How do you feel about them as alternative visions to achieving your Why?
  • Hopefully, you can feel “openings” for alternative visions (or destinations) to achieve your Why (your dream)… and also a “release” of the pressure you were putting on yourself to reach a specific destination…
  • How do you feel now about starting to take action in the DIRECTION of your dream, even if you don’t know the exact DESTINATION?
  • I’m curious: What did you learn or discover about yourself during this conversation?

So, what’s ONE action you’re COMMITTING to do THIS WEEK following this Coffee-break Coaching conversation? (even a small action like scheduling a task in your calendar!)

And now, imagine you’ve taken that ONE action, and then another one, and another one… and your dream is taking shape, even though it may be different to the vision you had in your dream…

How does it FEEL like? What are you GAINING?

Are you READY to take action, to GROW, to get OUTSIDE of your comfort zone?


If you’d like additional support to take THIS action, to continue THIS conversation, or to START taking action on another goal / challenge, work with me and my Coffee-break Coaching experience:

 Schedule a call with me (free)!

To Your Success! 


Self-Leadership Awakener – Coach, Facilitator

Christelle Soto-Suarez
Pistachio-Cassis Coaching