
Can you believe it? We’re already / once more / again (…) starting another year!!!!

Tradition, at least where I’m from and where I’ve lived, “says” it’s a time to wish each other:

a Happy New Year,

best wishes for the coming year,

plenty of health, happiness, love, money, success, goals achieved, etc.

But we often forget that what “health, happiness, success, goals” means for each of us is different to what it means to others…

So, while I (of course) wish you all the best in 2023, including many successes, I’d like YOU to make sure you know what SUCCESS is to YOU… so you can move through 2023 following a path that SUITS YOU (and not someone else’s path!)!

Although this time of year is connected to celebrations for most of us, let’s not forget that some of us are going through very difficult times, are reminded a sad moments, or are aware of difficult situations coming up… If this is you:

I’d like to say “I’m sorry you’re going through this”,

I hope that you’ll occasionally see something, in this newsletter or elsewhere, that warms your heart a little…

and I hope you DO have people around you who care and look after you…

Empowering yourself - starting with holding yourself accountable…

As this newsletter is about “Empowering Yourself”, let’s get working on improving our self-empowerment:

  • How do you feel about YOUR definition of Success?
  • What’s ONE step you’ve decided to take THIS WEEK to get you a little closer to this Success?
Interested in going “deeper”, or simply curious? Take a step forward, and… Book yourself a free 45-minute


What's new at Pistachio-Cassis Coaching?

With the new year come changes… so the Pistachio-Cassis Newsletter is changing, aiming to be more concise and getting into your inbox more frequently…

Know someone who could be interested? Forward them this latest newsletter - they can then subscribe here!

Connect with me: 
I look forward to hearing from you (feedback, suggestions, etc.)!: | LinkedIn


To Your Success! And THANK YOU for taking the time to read this newsletter!

Personal Leadership & Development Coach

P.S.(1): Interested, or simply curious? Book a free 45-minute Empower Yourself Discovery Call!

P.S.(2): Looking for a past newsletter? Click here.

Christelle Soto-Suarez
Pistachio-Cassis Coaching