Up-coming Live Coaching-Infused Conversations (free)

>>> A 30-minute conversation about a specific topic (see title), where YOU decide on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take RIGHT AWAY!

  • What drives you the most: your career's destination, or your career's journey? (June 7)
  • Rewriting the stories you tell yourself… (June 14, June 21)

=> Check out the Events page for more details!



I was recently reviewing my education records… and realized that, 23 years ago, I decided to “jump” into the unknown because I really, really wanted to achieve one of my goals (learning Spanish and find a job in Spain)… and was ready to take “risks” to progress on that goal…

… Which meant resigning from my first job, registering for a 3-month intensive Spanish course in Barcelona (I only spoke a little bit of Spanish at that time)… and then hoping to find a job in construction project management in Spain…

I was so excited to start a new chapter, a chapter that I had decided on, on my own… even though I had no idea how it would get written and how it would end…

And that gave me the idea for this week’s Coffee-break Coaching conversation!!!

This week’s Coffee-break Coaching conversation

>>> A short conversation / reflection about a specific challenge that YOU’re facing right now, with YOU leaving with ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take right away!

This week’s topic: How much do you want to achieve your goal?

Or… What are you prepared / ready to do to achieve your goal?

Because it’s very easy to say that we want to achieve a specific goal… but it’s often not so easy to take the actions needed to actually achieve that goal!!!

So, let’s start the conversation with you thinking about one of your priority goals for this year…

And imagine how you would feel having achieved it…


Now, imagine that the next 20 minutes are just about YOU (your time, your space, your voice, your thoughts…) and you’re having a deep conversation with me, your coach... Just let your mind wander as you reflect on the questions below…:

  • What’s the reason you want to achieve this goal? What’s your “why”?
  • What’s behind this reason, this “why”? – Keep asking yourself that question until you get to “the bottom” of it… to make sure you really know WHY you want to achieve that goal, that it is really YOUR goal (and not someone else’s)!
  • How will your life change once you’ve achieved that goal? What will you gain?
  • What actions are you absolutely NOT ready to do to achieve it (leave friends and family, move to another place, start from the bottom, earn less, etc.)?
  • Can you start moving toward your goal even though you’re not (not yet?) ready to do these actions? – And remember, there are so many ways to do something… there’s got to be (at least) one that fits you right now!
  • So, what’s stopping you from starting right now? – I mean: what’s really, really stopping you…. If you really want to achieve your goal?
  • “Conclusion”: What did you learn or discover about yourself and your goal during this conversation?

>>>> So, what’s ONE action you’re COMMITTING to do THIS WEEK following this Coffee-break Coaching conversation? (even a small action like scheduling a task in your calendar!)


If you’d like additional support to take THIS action, to continue THIS conversation, or to START taking action on another goal / challenge, work with me and my Coffee-break Coaching experience:

 Schedule a call with me (free)!


Upcoming Events & Latest News:

  • Check out the Events page to know what’s happening and to register!
    • What drives you the most: your career's destination, or your career's journey? (June 7)
    • Rewriting the stories you tell yourself… (June 14, June 21)

And remember – If you’re stuck and don’t know how / where to START to move forward, just speak to me and schedule a call with me (free)

More about Pistachio-Cassis Coaching

  • Ready to dive directly into a Coffee-break Coaching experience? Buy here!
  • Want to know more about Pistachio-Cassis Coaching services? Check the Services page


Know someone who could be interested? Forward them this latest newsletter - they can then subscribe here!

Connect with me at 
christelle@pistachiocassis.comI look forward to hearing from you!


To Your Success! 


Self-Leadership Awakener – Coach, Facilitator


Christelle Soto-Suarez
Pistachio-Cassis Coaching