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Have you ever felt like it’s all “doom and gloom” around you?
- Because of a situation at work that you’re expected to resolve… but have no idea how…
- Because it feels like you’re getting one bad news after another…
- Because you feel stuck…
Well, you’re not alone… Because I have, and quite a few of my clients too…
And what do you want most in such situation?
- See a ray of sunshine piercing through the doom and gloom…
- See the light at the end of the tunnel…
- See a sign…
One of my clients summarized her experience of discussing such situation as “from doom and gloom to a ray of sunshine”… I love this expression so much that it’s inspiring today’s newsletter!
Now, WHAT IF you, too, could have a similar experience?
How would you FEEL?
What would you GAIN from being able to move out of the “doom and gloom”?
And what would you LOSE if you were to stay in that “doom and gloom”?
Are you ready to do something about it?
Then let’s have a Coffee-break Coaching conversation
>>> A short conversation about a specific challenge that YOU’re facing, leading YOU to decide on ONE action (designed by YOU, for YOU) to take right away!
This week’s topic: From “doom and gloom” to a “ray of sunshine”
Think about that “doom and gloom” situation…
What’s causing it? What’s your reaction? How to you feel?
How about other people also involved in that same situation?
Now, imagine that the next 20 minutes are just about YOU (your time, your space, your voice, your thoughts…) and you’re having a deep conversation with me, your coach... Just let your mind wander as you reflect on the questions below…:
- Imagine that this “doom and gloom” situation got “miraculously” resolved… How does it look like? How do you feel? How do the others feel? – Pick 5 words to summarize that resolved situation.
- What needs to happen to get to that resolved situation? – Try to identify at least 5 things that need to happen…
- Pick ONE of those things that need to happen.
- What can you do about that ONE thing? – Even if it’s something very small like speaking to someone (or asking Google / ChatGPT!), scheduling some time to properly look at the facts, etc.
- Nothing coming up? Then pick another of those things that need to happen or increase your list of things that need to happen… because, somewhere, there is something you can do… but it’s not always easy to find it!
- Keep looking for what else you can do…
- Starting is the most difficult, but once you get “rolling”, you’ll find something else you can do, then another thing…
- How do feel now, having spent 20 minutes looking at “what you can do” rather than looking at the “doom and gloom”?
So, what’s ONE action you’re COMMITTING to do THIS WEEK following this Coffee-break Coaching conversation? (even a small action like scheduling a task in your calendar!)
And now, imagine you’ve taken that ONE action, and then another one, and another one… and you’re seeing more and more rays of sunshine piercing through the doom and gloom…
How does it FEEL like? What are you GAINING because you’re taking action?
Are you READY to take action, to GROW, to get OUTSIDE of your comfort zone?
If you’d like additional support to take THIS action, to continue THIS conversation, or to START taking action on another goal / challenge, work with me and my Coffee-break Coaching experience:
To Your Success!
Self-Leadership Awakener – Coach, Facilitator